Leadership Team
Empowering Associates
In the words of General Colin Powell, Great leaders are almost always great simplifiers, who can cut through argument, debate, and doubt to offer a solution everybody can understand, which is precisely what associates at Property Solutions Team are empowered to do.
Jennifer Kronebusch, MBA
Chief Operating Officer & Partner
Jennifer has been leading Property Solutions Team for nearly two decades, providing guidance to clients on residential and commercial construction projects throughout Colorado’s Front Range Region and beyond.
David Lian
President & Partner
David has been leading Property Solutions Team for nearly two decades, providing guidance to clients on residential and commercial restoration projects nationwide.
Mark Muniz-Brown*, CMCA, AMS, PCAM
Executive Vice President of Business Development
Mark spent just under two decades serving HOA homeowners and HOA Boards of Directors as an owner of a management company and portfolio manager. Since joining Property Solutions Team, he has worked with management companies throughout the metro area to provide solutions for managers, board members, and homeowners, alike.
* Notary Public